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Server security basics

Network models

1. P2P

In the P2P model, no server is needed and clients connect to each other to exchange data.

2. Client server

In the client server model, clients connect to a central server to exchange data.

A server takes requests sent by a client (another server, or PC, etc) and sends back a response.

The server can also process the data, and perform other actions. Therefore, there are multiple types of servers:

  • Application/web server
    • Web servers are used to provide data (i.e. HTML files) to a client
      • i.e. IIS
    • Application servers processes business logic (i.e. creating new user accounts)
      • i.e. ASP.NET Core server
    • The terminology is interchangeable, an application server can also serve HTML files to a client
  • Database server
    • Runs a database such as PostgreSQL
  • File server
    • Runs a file system that can be accessed by network users
      • i.e. IIS
  • Network services server
    • Provide services to allow users to access the network
      • i.e. DNS, DHCP, etc
  • Directory services server
    • Provides authentication/authorization services
      • i.e. Active Directory

CIA triad

The CIA triad is a model that describes the three main security goals of an information system.


Confidentiality is the protection of data from unauthorized access.


Integrity is the protection of data from unauthorized modification.


Availability is the protection of data from denial of access.

Server attack vectors

Aside from the ones in this list, there are many other attack vectors that can be used to compromise a server.

OWASP top 10

1. Compromised credentials

Preventive measures

  1. Use strong passwords
  2. Use 2FA
  3. Use 2FA hardware keys (i.e. FIDO2)

2. Poor encryption

Preventive measures


3. Denial of service

Denial of service (Wikipedia) prevents a system from processing or responding to legitimate requests.

Botnets are a common way to perform a DoS attack.

Preventive measures

  1. Rate limiting
  2. Load balancing

4. SYN flood attack

SYN flood attack (Wikipedia) is a type of DoS attack that exploits the TCP three-way handshake.

By rapidly flooding falsified TCP connections to the server, the attacker creates many "half-open" connection, where the server is waiting for a response from the client, but the client never sends a response. This may eventually causes the server to run out of resources, and become unresponsive.

5. ICMP attacks

ICMP flood attack (Wikipedia) exploits the ICMP protocol by flooding the server with ping requests.

The server may run out of resources responding to the ping requests, and become unresponsive.

Ping of death (Wikipedia) is another attack that sends oversized ping requests to the server, causing the server to crash.

Disaster recovery

Disaster recovery is the process of recovering from a catastrophic event, such as:

  • Natural disasters
  • Cyber attack

Disaster recovery primarily comprises of a DRP, which lays out:

  • Scenarios for catastrophic events and options for response
  • Recovery procedures for scenarios
  • Train staff on recovery procedures

Data recovery

There are different types of data backups that can be used to recover data:

Type Description Backup duration Restore duration
Full backup Backs up all data High Low
Incremental backup Backs up only the data that has changed since the last backup Low High
Differential backup Backs up only the data that has changed since the last full backup Medium Medium

Last update: June 11, 2023
Created: June 11, 2023